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 Jasper House

Welcome to Oranjemund Online


29 October 2009

In order to try and promote Oranjemund as a unique tourist destination, the following subdomain has been created.


Click on the above link if you are thinking about visiting Oranjemund!


The purpose of this site is for all of us old Oranjemunders who are scattered to the four corners of the earth to stay in touch with each other and to remember those good 'ol days living in this unique mining town. A place to share tales and view photographs of a bygone mining era. A place where our memories will remain forever.

This site is geared more to the historical side of Oranjemund and therefore a large portion of the material on this site will be displayed in black & white.

So if you remember the Diamond Queen Ball, The Mule Derby or The Christmas Tree then click on and remember the characters, functions and stories from the good 'ol days when Oranjemund was truly a paradise in the Desert.

For those of you that wish to interact or let other Oranjemunders and ex Oranjemunders know how or where to contact you, please register your name in the forum section of this site, Some workplaces might prevent you from accessing forums. Please feel free to start or add to a topic in the forums.

This page is under constant update. As I have time, I will be adding articles. You can read on the Forums about which updates have taken place to the main site.

Also a big thank you to Namdeb for allowing me to use their historical material in this non profit manner. Thanks also to all you (ex) Oranjemunders, wherever you are, for your photo's and memories. Without whom this side would not be what it is today.



If you can help identify people or dates then please email me.






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