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Ann and Susan Greenway lived here at No 2 inner crescent in the 60's. The following photographs are from that infant era in Oranjemund. I have included a few of her thought's.

The above photo was taken of No 2 inner crescent. Notice how there is no fencing or grass lawns that we are lucky to have today.

The dining room at her house,Note the wooden floors, an era before carpets were placed in all the houses.

I Like this picture a lot. It tells so much.Those fridge's can be still found in a few garages or pantry's around town today. I'm also sure there are also a few of those gas stoves in operation also.

Lino floor, CDM furniture and no burglar bars on the window.

The CDM coffee table. Every house should own one.

Ann and Susan at the front door. Notice that there is no cement pathway around the house yet. This was only brought in a good 20 years later.

When I saw this picture, I got goosebumps. I only got here in 1972, and everything was in full bloom at that stage. However if you stand at No2 inner crescent today, and look out the kitchen window today. You will see tree's, and your neighbours house followed by more grass lawns and tree's. This photo blew me away. Those 2 sanddunes to the east of town are still there.

Ann's sister, Susan on her way to school!

" The glorious view left out of our kitchen window also scanned this time - desert as far as you can see, no made up roads and the X-Ray Dept in the background.  As I mentioned before, the fence encasing our piece of desert came later.  I think that must be my sister showing off!"-- ANN