1914 Diamond Fields.jpg |
5th avenue curve.jpg |
5th avenue park.jpg |
A View Down The Bridge.jpg |
Alexander Bay Airport.jpg |
Boat Landings at Prinzenbucht.jpg |
Boomtown Luderitz.jpg |
Building the bridge from the river.jpg |
Building the bridge in 1950.jpg |
Building the bridge starts.jpg |
Building the bridge.jpg |
Camel Patrol.jpg |
Camels on Patrol.jpg |
Colmanskop2.jpg |
Diamond in tweezer.jpg |
Diamond mix.jpg |
Diamonds against blue.jpg |
Diamonds in hands.jpg |
Diamonds in sand.jpg |
Dignatories at Bridge 1950.jpg |
Donkey Water.jpg |
Early Luderitz.jpg |
E-Bay electrical substation1931.jpg |
Ebay Power Station.jpg |
Elizabeth Bay.jpg |
First Car On Bridge 1950.jpg |
flood.jpg |
Fruit and Veg.jpg |
history3.jpg |
Hohenfels Police Station.jpg |
Hotel in The Spergebiedt.jpg |
Kolmanskop Band Practice.jpg |
Kolmanskop Hospital.jpg |
Kolmanskop Mine Store.jpg |
Kolmanskop Power Station.jpg |
Kolmanskop School Kids.jpg |
Kolmanskuppe 1914.jpg |
looking south down 5th ave.jpg |
Luderitz 1912.jpg |
Luderitz 2.jpg |
Luderitz Diamond Field.jpg |
Luderitz in 1912 from Shark Island.jpg |
Luderitz.jpg |
Opening the Gates.jpg |
Oppenheimer Bridge 1950.jpg |
Oranjemund Airport.jpg |
Oranjemund Beach 2007.jpg |
Police Patrol.jpg |
Pomona.jpg |
practice range.jpg |
Railway Cars in The Sperrgebiedt.jpg |
Railway In The Desert.jpg |
Rolling Sands.jpg |
Security Dog at Bridge.jpg |
Shutztruppen.jpg |
softball farm.jpg |
SPeech at Bridge opening.jpg |
spergebiedt.jpg |
spergebiedtsign.jpg |
Sperrgebiedt Sign.jpg |
Swartkops Farm.jpg |
The First Shop.jpg |
The Mess In 1960's.jpg |
The Plaque.jpg |
The Yacht Club 2007.jpg |
Trimpark treeline.jpg |
Water Horse.jpg |
Yacht Club in 2007.jpg |