Soccer Club Float.jpg |
Soccer Club Junior.jpg |
Soccer Club Juniors,Mike Voden Kevin Voden,Darryl Weidemann,Andrew Johns.jpg |
Anything that floats float.jpg |
End Of Primary School, Kevin Voden.jpg |
End of Term.jpg |
Schoolkids in pool.jpg |
Jimmy Maasch and Gordon Davies.jpg |
Before the race starts.jpg |
Some more floats.jpg |
A wet Kevin Voden.jpg |
Schoolkids in the pool.jpg |
Yacht Club parking lot.jpg |
The Soccer Club.jpg |
Anything can float..jpg |
End of School.jpg |
Soccer Club Crowd.jpg |
Rising Waters.jpg |
Rising Waters at Swartkops Farm.jpg |
Mighty Orange River in Flood.jpg |
Oppenheimer Bridge Monument under flood waters..jpg |
Earthmoving equipment building the river wall.jpg |
The river wall protecting the golg course.jpg |
Swartkops farm under water..jpg |
More floodwater on the Swartkops farm.jpg |
Orange River Flood Peaking.jpg |
Fields services called in to build the river wall..jpg |
Mining equipment from Orange River mines.jpg |
Anything that floats down at the Yacht Club.jpg |
A float at the Yacht Club.jpg |
Getting ready for the anything that floats.jpg |
In the pool at end of school.jpg |
Michele Voden in the pool at the end of school.jpg |
Max Nel, John Van Der Riet and Mickey Reshke.jpg |
Mike Voden and John Van Der Riet.jpg |
Moira Davis,Gordon Davis,Micky,Max and John.jpg |