The Voden Family Pics!

Floods,Pool and Braai

Soccer Club Float.jpg

Soccer Club Junior.jpg

Soccer Club Juniors,Mike Voden Kevin Voden,Darryl Weidemann,Andrew Johns.jpg

Anything that floats float.jpg

End Of Primary School, Kevin Voden.jpg

End of Term.jpg

Schoolkids in pool.jpg

Jimmy Maasch and Gordon Davies.jpg

Before the race starts.jpg

Some more floats.jpg

A wet Kevin Voden.jpg

Schoolkids in the pool.jpg

Yacht Club parking lot.jpg

The Soccer Club.jpg

Anything can float..jpg

End of School.jpg

Soccer Club Crowd.jpg

Rising Waters.jpg

Rising Waters at Swartkops Farm.jpg

Mighty Orange River in Flood.jpg

Oppenheimer Bridge Monument under flood waters..jpg

Earthmoving equipment building the river wall.jpg

The river wall protecting the golg course.jpg

Swartkops farm under water..jpg

More floodwater on the Swartkops farm.jpg

Orange River Flood Peaking.jpg

Fields services called in to build the river wall..jpg

Mining equipment from Orange River mines.jpg

Anything that floats down at the Yacht Club.jpg

A float at the Yacht Club.jpg

Getting ready for the anything that floats.jpg

In the pool at end of school.jpg

Michele Voden in the pool at the end of school.jpg

Max Nel, John Van Der Riet and Mickey Reshke.jpg

Mike Voden and John Van Der Riet.jpg

Moira Davis,Gordon Davis,Micky,Max and John.jpg