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Tank Farm
Joco worked here in Oranjemund in the 60's and has contributed the following very interesting photographs and comments.

"At the beginning of 1960 it was decided to discontinue with having all the fuel delivered on tankers by road but from offshore.A well, I think Dutch company, very experienced for pipe lines won the contract to lay an appr.1 mile supply line into the sea.Right from the beginning a few of us,members of the cine club, recorded the complete construction on 8mm film with sound.The full length of the pipe line was put on trolleys on the shore,heavily insolated.When finaly completed the pipe line was pulled behind a plough into the sea.The constructors nearly went bankrupt due to the strong current and the pulling ship loosing one ancor after the other. I do not know what hapened to film.I con not remember that all the hundreds of meter film were cut and synchronised,as done with the 5o minute film we took of the town and the mine.(From the flight to Alexader airport right a tour of the town and the mine to the final show a days production.) The film was synchronised and firstly produced to a number of visitors,members of the international mining congress that year in Johannesburg. There were quite a few secrets and roumors around this pipe line. I take it that the fuel tanks (photo enclosed) are no longer needed,no more such a thirst of diesel for all the earth moving vehicles and power station.What can you tell me?"


The Tank Farm has been demolished and the Fuel for the mine and town is now delivered by road. I believe the area under the Tank Farm was mined for diamonds.


As a Kid in the 70's , the Hydroponics was mystical kinda place. Strictly off limits, but always captivating, the garden of Eden for Oranjemund. Joco has submitted the following.



"Here are a few photos taken of what we used to call the "White Elephant ". -Joco


Hydroponics in Oranjemund


The Beds inside the tunnels.


Inside the Greenhouse


Tall Tomato Plants.


Green tomato's in the desert.