While teaching at the Primary
School I had the pleasure of seeing some really interesting ways
the employees saw there way of working. I taught Physical Education
at the school and it was on one of the mornings I saw a worker
sitting in a wheel barrow on the cricket field. It was about 9
in the morning.
When my 3rd class arrived for class we went out onto the cricket
field and there in front of me was the same employee sitiing in
the wheeel barrow and it had not moved since 9. I went over the
the employee and asked why he was still sitting. His answer made
me laugh: "The boss has not told me what to do" was his
While still teaching the second incident was seeing the mowers
cutting the grass on the cricket field. They were going round and
round cutting the grass when the siren for lunch went. The driver
stopped his mower and walked across the field to the cricket pavilion
to have his lunch. He could have carried on for another minute
and then stop where his lunch was. I asked him why he left his
mower on the other side of the field. His answer was that his job
discription stated he has lunch when the siren goes and so he downs
tools and has lunch.
Makes one think
(submitted by Lionel Benjamin)